segunda-feira, 23 de março de 2015

Palestina solidária com a Venezuela contra o imperialismo

Foi realizada em Gaza, por iniciativa da Frente Popular para a Libertação da Palestina, grande marcha popular em solidariedade à República Bolivariana da Venezuela, alvo de recente tentativa de intimidação ianque que lhe classificou como "ameaça". Tal iniciativa internacionalista é fundamental, haja vista que, como diz Brecht em seu poema, a solidariedade entre oprimidos é a esperança do mundo. Todos os povos sob tacão imperialista precisam somar esforços, sendo certo que as lutas de emancipação e libertadoras em todo mundo se conjugam, diretamente e indiretamente, na resistência diante do mesmo inimigo, em última instância, o capitalismo, que tem no imperialismo sua "etapa superior", nas palavras de Lênin.

Com efeito, é evidente que a verdadeira ameaça para o mundo é o imperialismo estadunidense, que espalha, pela dominação econômica ou militar (preferencialmente ambas), seus tentáculos por todo o planeta. Quem quer que demonstre a mínima altivez é imediatamente tachado de Estado terrorista e lançado no "eixo do mal", com Irã, Coreia do Norte e outros "diabólicos" países. O tensionamento em escala global, com o advento do bloco alternativo sino-russo (e BRIC's em geral) e o abalo sofrido com as últimas crises econômicas, faz com que os EUA recrudesçam sua ofensiva imperial para manter posição, contando para isso com os lacaios da UE, os sionistas e reacionários em geral. Precisamente contra essa "santa aliança" (referência à coalizão monarquista aludida na abertura do "Manifesto Comunista") os povos oprimidos do mundo precisam se unir, e o exemplo palestino aqui tratado precisa ser fartamente imitado.

A notícia abaixo foi retirada do sítio da FPLP, aqui.

Gaza protest declares: “Venezuela, Palestine is with you!


The Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine in the Gaza Strip organized a rally in solidarity with Venezuela, in defense of Venezuela against the U.S. imperialist targeting of Venezuela’s Bolivarian project, in particular a recent decree by the U.S. administration imposing new economic sanctions on Venezuela and labeling the country a “national security threat” to the United States, a move that is a clear threat of escalated U.S. intervention against Venezuela and its elected government.

A large crowd of comrades and representatives of popular organizations participated in the protest, carrying Venezuelan and Palestinian flags and posters of Venezuelan president Nicolas Maduro, and the late Venezuelan leader Hugo Chavez, and slogans demanding an end to US threats against Venezuela.

Comrade Jamil Mizher, member of the Political Bureau of the PFLP and leader of its branch in Gaza, spoke at the event, conveying the greetings and solidarity of the PFLP, its imprisoned leader, Comrade Ahmad Sa’adat, and the Palestinian and Arab people to the people of Venezuela.

“We stand today in Gaza City in solidarity with one of the most important centers of socialist development in the world, the descendants and heirs of the independence leader Simon Bolivar, and of the late comrade Hugo Chavez, the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela and its revolution.,” said Mizher, who noted that the escalating threats against the Bolivarian Republic are not different from the ongoing fascist Zionist attacks on the Palestinian people, and that both are integral parts of the U.S. imperialist/Zionist plans to suppress the rights of the peoples of the world to self-determination, sovereignty and independence.

Mizher noted that the people and the government of Venezuela have strongly supported the Palestinian people and the Palestinian cause and have clearly condemned Zionist criminality, and that the Palestinian people and in particular the PFLP, pledge to stand by Venezuela and confront the brutal threats of imperialism and defend dignity and freedom.

The recent U.S. threats against the Bolivarian Republic and President Maduro only reconfirm the correctness of Venezuela’s approach, continuing the path of the late Hugo Chavez, both on the domestic level – adopting comprehensive plans for economic development, social justice, popular participation, and ending domination, tyranny and corruption – and on the international level, through establishing a clear anti-imperialist, anti-Zionist policy in support of the rights of the peoples of the world, said Mizher.

Mizher also noted the comprehensive rejection across Latin America of the U.S. plans, in particular the response from the emergency meeting of the Bolivarian Alliance of the Americas, demanding the U.S. step back from tis threats against Venezuela, as well as the response of Presidents Evo Morales of Bolivia and Raul Castro of Cuba. “This wide solidarity with Venezuela confirms that Venezuela is not alone in this battle,” said Mizher. “These threats are not solely an aggression against Venezuela, but also against these countries.” He urged global action and organizing to resist these threats and reject imperialist globalization meant to undermine the freedom of peoples and their right to self-determination.

Louis Daniel Lugo, the Venezuelan ambassador to Palestine, spoke via telephone, saluting the organizers participating in the event and the PFLP. “Venezuela is not a threat, but in fact a state of security for people who are suffering and the struggling peoples of the world, particularly in Latin America. It is determined to reject any plans for coups or interventions to impose a situation like the fate of Iraq, Syria, Panama and other countries.”
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